Minggu, 07 September 2008

Discomgoogolation : New disorder Broadband Addict

. Minggu, 07 September 2008

The new word has been coined by a new study from pollsters YouGov, which aimed to find a way of describing the stress and anxiety a heavy user feels when they are unable to gain access to the industry. It combines the word discobobulation, meaning to confuse or frustrate, with Google, the world's most widely-used search engine - and the home page for many broadband browsers.

YouGov also said that 27 percent of Britons experience increased stress levels when they cannot surf the web. Around three quarters of poll respondents also asserted that they "could not live without" their broadband connections, while one in five said that they spent more time on the web than they did with their families on a weekly basis.

Speaking to Reuters Dr David Lewis, the psychologist who has analysed discomgoogolation by measuring the brain waves of net addicts, said: "A galaxy of information is just a mouse click away and we have become addicted to the web…when unable to get online, discomgoogolation takes over.

"It was surprising to see the stress this led to brain activity and blood pressure in participants both increase in response to being cut off from the Internet."

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